
Whether to pick the ballet photo or the music photo today...! Thank goodness for the “extras” option!

Today started with ballet diary and practise (and watching Bs plane land in the UK!) before we headed over to Royal. We were both rather excited as it was the parents watch week. I haven’t seen her in Royal class, so we were both looking forward to it. They had half an hour with their teaching running through a few bits before the parents came up to the studio. The class was fabulous. It was great to see how the system works, what they’re doing. It’s a very specific system, being the Royal. Katie has responded really well to it and has learnt so much in just a term. It was fantastic to see her thinking so much harder about using every muscle and how her body works. Her progression this term consequently is certainly noticeable and her already delighted with her teacher was extremely encouraging at the end of class. It was interesting watching her work in the set exercises and then seeing how it had improved her work in the creative and free sections where she put it into practise in steps that she learns outside of Royal.

From class it was a dash back home to get her to an afternoon of rehearsals for her last county ensembles concert of the term. She was leading the clarinets for inters and had been asked to also support the junior windband clarinet section. It was great seeing her enthusiastically doing that- and good for her sight reading too! She was fabulous in her band’s performance, she was very clearly having a great time. And when it came to sparkly hat time, she refused to give up her antlers so had double head gear!

She was utterly delightful at the interval. She came to find us & there was a wonderful moment when it dawned on her that we were with V. Katie gave her the most huge hug and for the second half when she was sat with her friends kept turning round to give great big grins to her.

A busy but fabulous Katie day.

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