Morning rise

It's been so grey this autumn/early winter that there has been a singular lack of balcony sunrises. So thank goodness for one this morning, on a day that otherwise had little to recommend it. Funnily enough, there was one in the extras from exactly one year ago.

Still coughing quite a bit, but went for a spinning class in the morning, and I was pleased to see consistently improving numbers in terms of the amount I can put into it without stressing either the knees or the system more generally. I've been to quite a few of the Projekt42 spinning classes now, and each of them has had a different instructor, so it is interesting to see the different approaches. In contrast, the ones at Tribe, although wonderful, were all relatively samey, even with different instructors. It'll still be some time, though, before I can ruin myself on a Tribe spinning bike...

In the afternoon, I worked on the promised blog. I'm not sure it says everything I want it to say, but it's as much as I can do right now. Meanwhile, Mr A and I continue talking politics a lot of the time, which is ok...but can get a bit much....

Over to hazelh and mrhazelh's party, where Mr A did a good job of mixing whereas I predominantly talked to other blippers/book group members. We walked back in freezing rain. That wasn't quite what the doctor ordered on a Saturday night.

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