The Orient Express

By koko

Snowdrops and Sunsets

Not really sure if i like this or not as it didn't work out how i thought it would. The price we pay for pretty skies are bitterly cold days and nights and i certainly felt it on my dog walk.
I have got a lot of thinking to do over the next few weeks, as you may remember one of my dogs Theo started having fits 12 months ago. He was put on medication twice a day at timed intervals, meaning no more lies in for me although i do go back to sleep on days off. Which did the trick and he has had no more, he also has to have regular blood tests to check his levels. To cut a long story short the vet is very pleased with how he has been and has suggested cutting his tablet to one a day if i am brave enough because it will either go 2 ways. He will be fine or it could trigger the fits again. The medication is safe enough and its a matter of choice at the end of the day. I would like to see them reduced but i'm still deciding. If i did decide to try i would pick a time when i was off work for maybe a week, but for now the choice is undecided.

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