cmk40; No 18

the nightmare before Christmas

We’re into CMK early this morning (I know, I know….) because we have an item to collect from one of the shops.  Car-parking is easy and we while away the time waiting for the shops to open with a coffee and a natter.

By the time we finish chatting and supping, the queue for coffee is out the door.  We make our way to the shop and to our surprise find a closing-down notice slapped on it.  Another High Street giant bites the dust.  As I collect our goods I ask the person serving me if she’s OK; “we only found out on Tuesday …. she says sadly, “…… some Christmas”.  

Our errand complete, we make our way back to the car-park.  Anniemay is looking in the shop windows at all the apparently sudden price reductions.  She’s like a Springer Spaniel on an airport baggage carousel.

I follow on like a novice handler - and then my worse nightmare; ladies underwear (see extra).  I feel as if I’m in the Christmas episode of Father Ted, where 30 priests get lost in a similar department.

I sit at the entrance to the changing rooms trying to be inconspicuous.  Not an easy trick to pull off when I’m fiddling with the camera on my phone.  But any discomfort I may have is nothing compared with finding out that your Christmas bonus is a P45.

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