
By Hillyblips

In the Red

On reflection it all boils down to choice of picture tonight being difficult.

The heron flew in and it was obviously hungry hunting around in the lake as I sidled behind cover trying not to disturb it. I was happy with that.

However in the Alder trees a small flock of redpolls were feeding on the seeds! Talk about excited at seeing those! A winter visitor, they are rare in our neck of the woods and I have never seen one - not ever! BUT I knew from the outset as soon as I saw them that it was going to be tricky. They were in the tops of the tree branches and being small birds up there it was going to be difficult against the light. I also knew they were something special when I saw a large lens rock up - and whoever says that size doesn't matter is lying as the guy behind it was triggering bursts of camera fire up into the branches getting stuff I could only dream of. My redpolls appeared occasionally in the lower branches and I loved watching them - just love their cuteness!

Right off to yoga!

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