Leaving Tucson

"We are called to not run from the discomfort and not run from the grief or the feelings of outrage or even fear. If we can be fearless, and be with our pain, it turns. It doesn't stay static. It only doesn't change if we refuse to look at it. When we look at it, when we take it in our hands, when we can just be with it and keep breathing, then it turns. It turns to reveal its other face. And the other face of our pain for the world is our love for the world.... And it's OK for our hearts to be broken over the world. What else is a heart for?"--Joanna Macy.

That applies to dysfunctional families, to dysfunctional governments, to elections that favor oligarchies, to climate change. We do all we can possibly do, we keep searching for ways to be of use and save what we love, and we look into our grief and outrage, stretching ourselves to be wiser and love more, also celebrating resilience and kindness wherever it arises. 

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