Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

In the lane snow is glistening...

We tossed and we turned all night. We were up and down looking out of the window. We waited. We checked our phones again and again. We checked our emails. The snow came down and down but no call came. School was still open for business as usual!

Myself and Olivia took the tram to school this morning while Hubby walked Dexter to the creche before walking to work. We had a lot of fun playing in the snow and making footprints in the deep fresh snow and we even had time to go and check out the frozen lake and see if the ducks were okay.

It has continued to snow most of the day and when we got home myself and Olivia made another snowman but Dexter decided that he'd had enough after five minutes and wanted to go back inside. Olivia, on the other hand, had to be coaxed in for her tea and also because it was getting too dark to continue her snow crafts. No doubt she'll be out agin tomorrow asap!

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