Green Light

Sleepless night last night as I was awake the whole time the hearing was going on, all the way till 04.30.  Mimi attended but arrived late, to the great irritation of the Viking.  The Administratrix, whom I've given a pseudonym here but which I've forgotten, so I'll just name her Doña, also almost arrived late, to his even greater frustration.  Why can these people not take things seriously, was his most pressing question?  I had no answers for these things either, but I could feel the tension at the other end of the line.

All that aside, the presiding clerk of court and judge accepted the affidavits, but one thing emerged at the end of it all -- the judge now wishes to see me.  Soon.  I had a chance to talk to Doña after the hearing, and then to Mimi.  Turns out they live in the same district, so Mimi simply hitched a ride back, no problem.  After that, I went to bed for about five hours.  Good thing my first class wasn't scheduled till 14.30, so I had enough time to recover.  Before leaving for work, though, I had an hour-long discussion with the Viking.  He told me everything that went well and everything that was still 'hanging', and how frustrating (that word again!) it was to have to work with non-professionals.  I managed to smoothe his ruffled feathers and calm his evil eye, but the case has become urgent.

The moment he hung up, I sent a message to the boss about this unexpected trip to MNL, now planned for January.  She wasn't able to pick up the phone, so texting would have to do, and that was okay.  And yes, the trip was okay, as long as I didn't fall behind with my correction work.  I reassured her that I would be working full-time even on the weekends to make up for travel time.  Of course, she had to know why I had to go, so I explained some of the reasons without mentioning the case.  Certainly she doesn't have to know about that.  Finally ...

Went to work, worked, went back home.  This was shot on my way back to the car.  After dinner, finished my Cardiovascular Diseases MOOC, did the dishes, then crashed into bed.

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