...and I'm so sick......

Woke up at 3.00 a.m. last night.

Not the normal wake up when the Boss is working nights....this was a wake up with a hot sweat, abdominal cramps, trembling and nausea.

Got up, ran to the bathroom and was sick as a dog!.........and it happened again at 4.10.............and again at 6.15. I thought it was the onset of the winter vomiting bug.

So rang in sick this morning.....the Boss came home and I was promptly banished to the sofa!....just in case.

I had another visit to the bathroom at 8.30......but apart from the sweating and trembling nothing happened. I stopped shaking around mid-day and stopped feeling nauseous around 2.30....and I managed a bowl of soup about 4.00.

So I'm guessing it's not the bug....must have been something I ate....maybe the egg sandwiches at last night's quiz.

But.....here's the question.......why when you throw up does it always have diced carrots in it?

Oh well...... back to work tomorrow.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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