Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Red Browed Finch not a Firetail!

Beckett has just pointed out to me that this beautiful bird is not a Firetail but a Red Browed Finch!! oops!
We don't like to mention that word around here at the moment but this little character wasn't doing us any harm.  There was a family of them just outside the window this morning and they were having their breakfast.  It was a feast of seeds from the grasses that had dropped onto the ground.  They are quite an exquisite little bird in my eyes.

No good news really on the fire front.  There is a fire on the other side of the highway in Blackheath tonight and I believe they are planning to put in a huge back burn to create a buffer between the fire and the village.  Many houses were lost in the South West area of Sydney today when a fierce westerly took its toll.  The answer to all of this is good drenching rain and it is forecast for Christmas Eve, that's still five days away, so we're going to be anxiously watching and waiting until then.  

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