
8°C  -  feels like 7°C  -  2 mph Wind  -  3 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  Ricky the Postie called with a parcel and other mail, so it was a good opportunity to give him his Christmas Box and  thank him for being such a good Postie braving all weathers throughout the year.  Montrose High Street was very busy and cheery.  I was going to blip the town Christmas tree, but there were too many obstructions to get a good shot. There was children's choir singing in Tescos  -  the atmosphere was very festive.  My blip is actually a painted stone that a dear friend gave me many years ago.  It has lain on my doorstep for many years, so it is a bit weather-worn  -  its message, however, has stayed as clear and strong as ever.

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