Hummingbirds in the wind.

What a stormy day, high winds and rain most of the day.  After all the birds at the feeders yesterday, they were in hiding today.  The hummingbirds were around and very entertaining in the wind, they couldn't get to the feeder they were blowing all around the feeder which was nearly full to start and is now empty with the wind blowing it sideways.  Whitecaps on the lake so I didn't venture out for any photography again today.  There is plenty to do inside getting ready for Christmas.  I also am having some technical difficulties for awhile now but have been too busy to investigate so that is now at a critical point.  My card reader and external drives don't want to talk to the computer...something must be wrong with the usb drives/ports, but the diagnostics say all is okay.  Lucky for me I have a lap top and I run Lightroom on an external hard drive so I will just use that until after the holidays.

Have a super weekend everyone!

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