Wrapping presents seems to take so long but the joy in knowing the pleasure the recipient usually gets is worth the effort.  As a child I remember having to write thankyou letters within a few days of Christmas and my grandma often sent some lovely children’s notepaper to encourage us.   (Rant) I am now annoyed at some people.  As usual we have given gifts to three neighbouring children on birthdays and Christmas and never once have we had even a verbal thankyou.  On his last birthday the oldest asked for some special football boots which he chose but we never got any thanks at all.  When S took the gifts round this evening the mother took them and didn’t even thank him but just remarked that they never sent Christmas cards.  I have a present already for the girl’s birthday next month and feel like stopping the gift giving all together.  I don’t expect a letter but it would be nice to hear the word ‘thankyou’ and they have only a few metres to walk to our house.

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