
By BalletGirl

Triple Bill

Last day of school, and it is also a half day!
When I got home, I did some jobs in my room, and got ready to go into Covent Garden. We(my Mum, my brother and I) were going to watch the Triple Bill of Concerto, Enigma, and Raymonda Act Three. It was amazing, I loved every second, and especially enjoy watching Gary Avis and spotting others that I knew.
We went to the stage door afterwards and saw lots of people and got lots of signatures. My brother and I got a photo with Vadim.
When Nela came out,(forty mins after the show!!) she had a bag of signed pointe shoes! She gave them out, starting by giving out pairs, but there weren't enough. So, she gave out singles. There weren't enough to go round and as I had a pair I offered Nela to take one of them to give it to the person who didn't have one.
After that, we went to a Premier in to stay there until tomorrow.

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