Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


It occurred to me this morning - although I've been mulling it over for a while now - that there are two different sets of mothers with *fawns* appearing for nuts in the morning. One Mama comes with twins, the other with just one. In this collage the top Mama is from this morning, the bottom one from yesterday. Yesterday's Mama was there with two young and one of them is on the right in the bottom right hand corner pic (yesterday's both have the Japanese maple leaves in the corner!). The babe on the left goes with the Mama on the top - they were here this morning. I think there are subtle differences between the two adult does, and definitely obvious differences between the two young ones. The twin of yesterday's young one didn't come up close to get seeds - so I don't have any good shots of her for comparison with today's young one. But I think the two with the nerve to join their Mamas make a decent reference point for comparison.

So - tell me what you think? Do I have TWO adult doe friends - both of whom are teaching their young that I'm a good source for treats?? I think I do!! But the two adults look so much alike (if they are in fact not the same deer) that I'm not 100% sure...

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