This is Rollo

Rollo is about 14 weeks old and is a trainee guide dog. I met him when I attended the Eye Clinic at Ninewells today.

My eyes had been dilated and the picture of Rollo is blurred, as was my vision for quite a period of the day.

I enjoyed a chat with his temporary owner who has been taking guide dog candidates through the first period of their training. Rollo is No 22 in her long line of trainees.

I was progressed through another group of tests and after a while I was taken through the results by the Head of Department.

In summary much has improved. Cutting down on computer screen time helps. Again he remarked on my superb acuity, and confirmed that my perception of colour is normal.

He did confirm that I do have a very active little friend; a rather noticeable smudge floater. It is an annoyance, however my field of vision is normal.

So another test by my own optician in 6 months is scheduled and we will "see" where we go from there.

More excellent treatment from the wonderful people who work in our NHS.

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