... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

The Rookery: Robin Round-up

Brighter-eyed a perky poser in large.
Robin in beautyberry
Robin in bush (ISO2800?!)
Puffer robin: un-puffed and up-puffed (*flick between them...)
Sparkling singer

I went to The Rookery in the morning because sunshine was forecast and I felt like a robin blip... The robins were most obliging: I found three individuals in the walled garden, one of which was very friendly and sang near me inside a bush for a long time, before following me around as I peered around the various beds...
*I really wanted to post the puffer robin pics, but they only seemed special together, not as individual images...

Today's haul is here (or right from Contrasty Camellia)

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