
By MumOf4Wildlings

A first

Merry Christmas to all my blip friends. Thank you all for your stars and hearts yesterday.

This isn't a great picture but it's the first time I am in a photo with all my wildlings. And it's not a selfie. I didn't take it. My friend did.

I don't know what Christmas is like for everyone but for us the last couple of years have been quite stressful.
This year though we haven't done advent calendars, or the elf on the shelf, or really spoke about Christmas. Our kids are just getting a few things from us. We're on a learning journey and finding out what works for us. For our biggest wildling everything is too much. The not knowing what's inside a present, the excitement of it all. He loves Christmas but for him it's so overwhelming. My other Wildlings will love it though so it's all about finding the right kind of balance.

But I am thankful that we get to have this family time together, even though there will be meltdowns and tears , but in amongst it all will be happiness .
And although again this isn't the best photo, I am thankful that I have one of us together and I love it.

So tonight once the wrapping is done and the kid's are sleeping I will get all excited about putting their stockings on their bed.
Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you all have a lovely time. Much love to you all. X

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