
By Kaysha

There's a man down...

Today has been trying. From the moment I woke the kids were on some kind of mission to cause as much mischief as possible and take me down in the process. It very nearly worked but I bundled them up, shoved them in the car and drove as fast as I could to Lauriston Castle. I may have screamed all the way there, I can't quite remember.

Once there, it was a huge relief to set them free to wander the grounds. Miss A was keen to make sure her snowman and Little D's stick were where we left them a few days back. Amazingly both were. There was ice everywhere and the kids loved breaking it into pieces. Behind every sheet of ice was a muddy puddle however, and the kids got dirtier and dirtier with every step. My wet wipes were of little use against the deluge of mud covering them. When Little D could hardly put one foot in front of the other for being so sodden (see above) we decided to venture home.

The mischief was not long in returning once home and I spent what felt like most of the afternoon putting both kids on time out.

Rob's giving them a bath and I'm having 10 minutes head space. I'm trying to be really good and not open a bottle of wine to ease the pain but it's sooooo hard! Wonder how long I'll last?

Apologies for the blurry image but this one best summed up the day.

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