View From Lindos

Today, our taxi drove us to Lindos!  The Acropolis complex was closed for the winter, but no problem at all.  We climbed to the top anyway and I took several shots of the view.

Extra 1 -- Navarone Bay, where parts of the film were shot
Extra 2 -- two energetic tour guides who climbed with us all the way

After Lindos, we had lunch along the way before proceding to an inland lake which our driver wanted us to see, and then back to the B&B.  It was particularly cold, but we focused on the move tomorrow.  For dinner, we didn't go up the hill but instead feasted on the leftovers of yesterday's dinner and today's lunch, and AW decided to warm up the bed while I played some games and then read The English Patient for a couple of hours.  It was a very quiet night, and we needed two wool blankets, but we were thankful we were together again on a trip.  Still are!

Hopefully you all had a fab Christmas Eve!

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