
By RockNerd

‘Appy Christmas

I hope you’ve all had the day you hoped for.
After some tricky Christmases we’re trying to keep things very quiet & undemanding for ‘Appy, & so far it seems to have worked. She still got way too many toys though!
Probably the biggest hit was a Robo Chameleon, but Harry Potter Lego (thanks, Moloh!) & Harry Potter Cluedo (thanks, Folkie!) got podium finishes. See extras.
Typically, ‘Appy couldn’t quite manage following the instructions for either. We may do the third deck of the Knight Bus tomorrow, or we may not. And, charmingly, she turned Cluedo into a team investigation, so we all had to try & find out who was responsible for the missing Hogwarts student together. 

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