Breaking the news!

Thanks for all the lovely comments on yesterdays blip :)

When May got up this morning we decided to tell her the truth, she was inconsolable, naturally. The crying carried on through school and she was hysterical when I collected her. I just about calmed her down when her little friend came over and asked if she would like one of her sweeties...... It all started again! I may have told her that we could get her a new pet at the weekend... She was straight on Google images looking at kittens and bulldog puppies..!!

Anyway, this is a short moment of happiness! Playing dodge-ball with Daddy! There's nothing like having a ball thrown at your head to cheer you up ;)
Bedtime wasn't fun.

ION: Part of Evie's homework is to log what she eats. Tomorrow night, for dinner, we will be having Grilled Entrecóte Steak, Pommes Anna, Sauce Choron... It's what we usually have on Thursdays ;)

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