Seagulls For Christmas

Christmas has changed so much for my family over the years, as I guess it does for all families.  The kids are grown and gone and even the grandchildren have families and homes of their own.  The days of everybody coming to Grandma's house (mine) for festive meals and celebrations are long gone.  I used to love all the cooking and preparation necessary for a family celebration.  I would plan and cook for days.  I guess it's just as well that things are different now -- I probably don't have the stamina anymore for that.  

This Christmas morning when it was just once again me and Lizzie, I decided to do something different.  I packed up a bag of bread and headed for my favorite spot at the marina and fed the seagulls.  It was delightful and brightened my mood immediately.   The seagulls were happy and I ran into several people taking Christmas morning walks around the marina who were happy to stop and chat.  

I suspect that adaptation, as difficult as it may be sometimes, is the key to survival.  I have such happy memories of Christmases past when the kids were young and my husband was here, so it's very difficult to gain any ground by complaining.  Now, I've decided to do something different at such moments and while feeding seagulls might not be the most dramatic thing I could do, it did turn out to be a very positive thing for me, and for the seagulls as well.

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