Stair Art

It was  an early start with the girls opening their stocking at 6.30 - downstair to find Father Christmas had come and left big footprints and the candy left for Rudolph had been eaten.   More excitement and chaos ensued.  Then bacon butties for breakfast - it was a beautiful day a walk was on the agenda but I had not taken the right gear for walking and stayed behind and the youngest granddaughter stayed and entertained me with her chatter.  After  a snack lunch - dinner was going to be later - Father Christmas  arrives with the presents he had forgotten to deliver - (FC  being KG)  and the excitement level was raised again 
My blip today is of the picture our 8 year old granddaughter drew on the wall at the top of the stairs (they are redecorating  )  and I was impressed how  good her perspective was especially doing it large.  I did ask her if she minded me blipping and she was quite happy for me to do so.
A beautiful sunny day 

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