
As children often do, she perked up quickly and was on good form as Princess Elsa all day! We didn’t risk taking her out though but Mt&Mx came and we met A&N in Woburn Sands for a tasty brunch before they headed off for their falconry day. After they left we stopped off at Frosts to look at their sale of Christmas things and got a few bargains for next year.
Dropped them at home then I headed over to T&Kt’s for (another!) meal this time with her Dad, Auntie, Granny and brother (extra). T had a bad back and seemed to be in quite a lot of pain as it’s stopping him sleeping much, but hopefully it will pass soon. We had a delicious dish of roast lamb and Turkish pilaff, then leftover Christmas Day puddings, chatting about all sorts and hearing about how her Dad’s work is going in France as they renovate another barn.
Stayed and chatted til quite late then home and Mt was just starting making dinner for the kids. Mx went over to him in the kitchen then threw up everywhere....oh no! Quite a palaver to clear up, then sit and hold Mx as he was upset. Blimey this is like a plague house!
When H got back from food shopping I escaped to K’s house with A&N to hear about their falconry....sounded exciting although cold to stand outside so long. She and I fell asleep on the sofa whilst the others ate dinner then we chatted about people we knew of old, education systems and options for doing something tomorrow.
When I got back not only had Mx been throwing up all evening but Mt was also feeling distinctly dodgy....I think I’m bound to get it sometime soon!
Went to bed but couldn’t get to sleep for ages...

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