Making Memories

By LeighFamily

Little vegan cherub!!

Our little cherub Dominic, vegan from birth who is according to his pediatrician 'thriving'. The British and American Dietetic associations agree that vegan diets are suitable at any stage of life including pregnancy.
A lot of people have a very strong opinion about us raising our kids vegan and say we should let them make their own choice... funny how vegans get judged automatically, even as bad as being called neglectful, yet a parent who feeds their kid junk food most days is completely fine.
Do meat eaters let their kids make a choice or do they just shove meat down their throat as soon as they're old enough to have it mashed up? Do they ask the child if they want it? Do they let their kids eat whatever sweets they want or smoke as it should be 'their choice?' Of course not. You do what you think is best for your children and after doing weeks of research initially, and now years of it, we know we are doing the best by our children by raising them vegan. Of course I get asked would I let them eat meat when they are older... well that would be their choice but until they are able to make an informed decision and know the full consequences of their actions I will decide for them. And I hope and pray they will never want to participate in animal abuse and cruelty like that.
I believe if everyone knew how animals were treated in the meat dairy egg industry etc that very few would participate in it. But most of the population have been conditioned to believe it is acceptable and the norm. Our kids will know the full facts of where these products come from and I hope they make the right choice when the time comes.
I am sure our boys will thank us for it one day, I know I would If my parents raised me vegan.

Veganuary is coming up, where you are invited to try and be vegan for the month or more. Feel free to join and sign up at

If you need any more motivation then take a look at this film

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