
By memento

The Berlin Wall

When a new year gets rolling, I always schedule annual wellness checkups in the three weeks leading up to my birthday and there they threateningly loom like the Berlin Wall until they are over. I do it so I can celebrate the fact that I'm still healthy and not just that I'm a year older.

Today was the last of the four major checkups; the overall poke and prod, listen, draw blood, scan bones, walk in a straight line...walk in a straight line??!!! She actually asked me to walk in a straight line and then touch my finger to my nose with my eyes closed like a traffic officer does in a roadside sobriety test. I did very well, since it was 8:00 am. I don't start drinking till after noon. Kidding!!

Nobody thought that the Berlin Wall would ever come down and it seemed that the hideous status quo would continue forever, causing unimaginable suffering. But it did because enough people willed it to come down. Just like that, I have to believe that this time around something will change because it HAS to.

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