
By Bompa

Found treasure

I collected these found objects with the thought that they would someday be interesting in a photo composition. Lately I have been pondering how easily we throw away things that, at other times, would be useful beyond measure.

Imagine if these objects had suddenly appeared and were found by someone of an ancient stone-age culture. Chances are something of this hardness would be completely unknown. The shapes of the objects would inspire a great amount of curiousity, if not fear. Perhaps they would have spiritual significance to those of the stone-age culture.

Used as-is, the objects could be attached to a leather thong and used as weapons. Eventually, if the properties of the metal were better understood, they could be fashioned into a wide variety of useful items such as fish hooks, spear tips and awls or simply used as jewellery.

Imagine the uses to which these objects could be applied. Imagine how important they would be to the stone-age culture. Imagine how the people would protect and try to conserve these things. Imagine how wasteful and careless modern society has become that we can classify these objects as junk and so thoughtlessly dispose of them. What have we become?

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