through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

New beginning


That's the first word that came into my head when I sat down to journal last night.

Now that I've gone through two years of motherhood, my perspective and thoughts on Jesus' birth keeps changing.

To imagine Mary giving birth in that dirty place. With all that smell.

The fear she must have had. With no one there except Joseph next to her.
To see your wife give birth with no medical knowledge.

Just faith.

Then breastfeeding an infant that is also your Savior.
To suddenly having to be His protector and guide all the while knowing He's here to save you.
To change him. Clean him. Teach him.

Such a humbling experience.

To trust your wife when she said, this is from God.
To trust Him.

Then the toddler tantrums. The mess. The colds.

Watching Him grow.

I bet Mary and Joseph went through moments of
Impatience, exhaustion and more with toddler Jesus. Moments when their imperfections shone through.

But grace was there.

God knew. All of it.

And He chose them.

God knows everything.
For me.
For my husband.
For my child.

All of it.

And He has definitely given us grace.

So I need start giving myself more grace as we step into another year.
For my husband and child too.

That the lie of "there's something better" or "you can do better"

Must stop.

Because He has given me the Better.

And He will continue to do so.
In His own ways.


Thank you.

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