Another Day

By pcc

Dunedin Railway Station Foyer

Dups and I have had such a busy day today from go to wo. We have had showers of rain, and some sun.
Believe it or not we went on a tour of Cadbury's Chocolate Factory - a bit of a disappointment, as you did not see much of the real workings, mainly on DVD's.
Then we went to the Dunedin Railway Station, as there was a photographic Exhibition on that we wanted to see.
There were a lot of people about, as a train was about to leave. We were told that this is the second most photographed building in the Southern Hemisphere, the other one being Sydney Opera House. From there we visited to Otago Early Settlers Museum, and I was able to see some of my forbearers. Will have to go back there one day, as there is s much to see and look up.
Then we went off to see Les Miserables - fabulous film, loved the music and the singing, and had to use the handkerchief at the end.
Finished the evening at an Irish Bar, and had a meal and listened to some music. Home tired now.

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