
By MumOf4Wildlings


Well what can I say about 2019... It brought us another wildling ❤️ for a couple that have not even bn together 7 year's yet, we've bn busy. Lol.
Lincoln started nursery and love's it. Xander started school and is getting on great. He's still doing half day's but that's what works for him.
Harp is such a delight, she's so independent and knows what she wants. She definitely can hold her own.
As a family we face challenges everyday, but we get through them. We have a great support network with us. They say it takes a village to raise children. And that's so true. We have the support from family and friends. But also the advice and support from PIN. ( Parents inclusion network ) and square peg. ❤️ And I've met so many lovely families through these groups.
We've had laughter, and tears, and shared adventure's together. And I look forward to what 2020 brings us.
So world of blip. Happy new year when it comes. I'm glad greengirl suggested I start blip.

P.s . This is probably the best photo of the 6 of us we can get together.

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