
It's our anniversary - 43 miraculous years! To celebrate we went out for a mega hike - 14km and the Rossbrin Loop. We started in Ballydehob but were soon out in pretty remote and wild country. We passed several derelict copper mines, two holy wells, quite a few stinky farmyards, a lot of robins, several derelict buildings, a boatyard, humans and their dogs and two castles -one occupied (Jeremy Irons) and one not - this one! This rather dodgy leaning stack is Rossbrin Castle,  once home to the renowned Finghín O Mahony, the scholar prince who had one of the most impressive libraries in Christendom. Hard to imagine today. Our pals at Roaringwater Journal have recorded the walk in two parts  - here's part 2 (there's a link to part one but you might spot me in this bit! Doing what I like doing).

Extras - the Garda station with resident and festive Gruffalo and friends! Derelict window. Steep hill, going upwards. Steep hill going downwards and glimpse of Jeremy Iron's castle. Coming home.

There is a Dingle gin awaiting, Himself is cooking pasta and then there's trifle using up various leftover things! We know how to party!

 Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit- and I hope it's a good one!

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