NOVA Robotics

By novarobotics

Today the math department had a poster session for students and professors to show off some of their research endeavors. It was relatively small, but there was pizza, pop, and pie. I presented a poster as part of my job as a research assistant.

Anyway, there was a small raffle, the prizes being these lovely little jars full of jelly beans. The jars actually say Ohio University Department of Mathematics on the side. I won one. Now, an old friend of mine said that if she won, I could have the jelly beans, she just wanted the jar. But since I won, I felt like I ought to be somewhat generous as well. She clearly wanted the jar, so I agreed to give it to her...provided she eat all of those disgusting buttered popcorn flavored jelly beans contained within it. She did, I thought it was hilarious, and now the jar is hers.

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