reflections of 2019

i was thinking about some of the stuff we had done last year and decided to do a collage of some of the highlights. 
It really ended/started with new years day when we flew home from a lovely christmas in Canada with my sons wife family. the next  big event was Alang's brother getting married in february. Quite a shock to all of us. It followed with a big reception in May. The next one was Alang's 70th birthday dinner which was a big surprise to him as we planned a trip to Canada across the Rockies for that one. A wonderful 3 weeks in Canada with family and friends. After coming home I saw the doctor who diagnosed Angina and I had a stent fitted in October and immediately felt 100% better. August saw us having the grand daughters for two weeks which was a pleasure as we went out everyday. Not sure how I got through that one but I did. We did a couple of camera courses with EOS which were local and great and Alang learnt a lot about his new EOSR. 
I got bitten by my daughters new dog by accident and spent a morning at Truro hospital. 
Looking forward to what 2020 has in store for us. A new grandchild for sure in June. 
Thankful for a great God who cares for us and wondering what He will give us in 2020 
many thanks for the well wishes. i feel much better today but a bit washed out this morning

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