River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Shield Bug & Hellebore Buds

Very chilly when we got up, around 2°C no wind either and clear sky until early afternoon then clouded over.
MrD went for a motorbike ride visiting his family in Denbighshire.
Today’s 10 minute gardening job was supposed to be cutting back the solanum which has blue flowers in Summer, https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/1972658
... this got done but I also moved pots of daffodils & crocus so they can be seen from the house. 
Moved other pots of bulbs onto the staging so they can see daylight. 
Saw hellebore buds & trimmed back leaves so we’ll see the flowers. 
Then had a walk around with a cup of tea just to enjoy fresh air, the birds & the blue sky :-))
Happy New Year everyone / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda pawb xx

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