Memories of 2019

2019 was a very busy year for me with the main highlight being my youngest daughter's wedding in August and although we were busy preparing for the wedding we still made time for making lots of wonderful memories, afternoon teas with my daughters, also a hen afternoon tea, weekends away with my daughters and my now son-in-law to Tenby, Yorkshire Wildlife Park (for my birthday), Longleat to see the Festival of Lights and a fantastic weekend in London for H's. Hen weekend sightseeing, seeing Aladdin at the theatre, Afternoon Tea at the Rubins hotel also a lovely weekend in Liverpool with my eldest daughter M.visiting the Beatles homes and Peaky Blinders filming locations also lots of days out. The highlight of the year was of course H.and A's wedding in August we had the best day ever both with the weather and the wedding itself people are still talking about now. Looking forward to 2020 when hopefully we shall be making lots more memories.

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