Granny Annie

By grannyannie

Carter's Well.

This well stands at the roadside in Low Fell, Gateshead where I live.It was the chief drinking- water supply for Low Fell until near the end of the 19th century. People would take buckets to the well and bring them back for drinking or cooking. Rain water would be collected for washing and cleaning floors.The water came from a spring which rose in an old pit, and afforded the inhabitants a healthy and sober beverage, free from the pernicious effects produced by the rotten stuff, often drunk under the name of ale.
A poem was written about it-
Then reet ower the Fell. and by Carter's famed well
Wheer the watter like wine ye see a'ways runnin
And is better by far than the poor blashy yel (ale)
Folk's get i' Newcassel or even i' Lunnen (London).

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