
By SeanM

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I came home from my night shift this morning feeling particularly cold and tired. My first job was to feed the cat. And then the birds.

Whilst replenishing the feeders and the tray I had the feeling that I was not alone. In fact I had the distinct feeling that I was being watched. At first it was just the muffled sound of a distant flap followed high pitched shrills. I could hear them, but I couldn't see them.

Then, gradually, they started to declare themselves. Before I knew what was happening I was surrounded. I was surrounded by Robins. I counted five of them!

They watched my every move. I froze. One came within two feet of me and snatched a berry suet, then another grabbed a worm. The older Robin tried to assert his authority by attempting to drive the others away. To no avail. A mutiny was in full swing.

I decided to retreat to the warmth of the kitchen whilst they took it turns to claim their bounty!

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