Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Smugairle roin

as you will all know is the Irish word for jellyfish

I have a love/hate with them

They are visually beautiful but give a nasty sting

For a long time, I have wanted to re-create one in abstract fashion

This is snapped looking through a dessert dish onto a scattering of multi-coloured paper-clips on black velvet background.


I had to get up at 4.30am to bring daughter to airport for flight back to London. I got back into bed at 6am to get an hour’s kip .... but no way. Bright eyed and bushy tailed ‘til 7.45am when alarm went to prep for swim. A great swim then into work when the morning was spent just dealing with emails and voicemail messages.

A big shop for ingredients for my extra. Jean’s comfort food Shepherd’s Pie. This has to feed 8 mouths at about 7pm along with my cucumber and dill in yogurt dressing salad thingy.

Thanks to everyone for kind comments on yesterday’s blip. I will catch up soon

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