Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Revoke Sir JD's Knightood

As hoovers (I wonder how the people at Dyson like their machines being referred to as hoovers?) go it sooks well enough, if only for six minutes on maximum. The huge engineering fail is when you try to empty the thing! I bet E.Regina never stood outside banging it against the inside of the dustbin on a windy day, poking her fingers into it to dislodge the ghastly mix of cat hair and human skin scales (and my cylinder version is even worse). If she did, there's no way she would have signed the order! AND why sell a machine with one filter that stops when the said sole filter clogs and takes two days to dry when you wash it? Would it be so unreasonable to supply two filters? 
Its a total design fail on the practicality front, so why on earth did he get a knighthood? 

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