
See saw or swings and roundabouts?  Carousel or Helter-skelter? Bit of a roller coaster ride today. There were times when the actions of others made me absurdly angry - as I grow older I find that the more it is tested, the more my tolerance for incompetence diminishes.  Fortunately, teaching was the usual mix of fun and feel good moments. Blessed to work with these young people, it compensates for some of the unfathomable decisions made by them 'upstairs'. 

Anyway, after the rain, a little sunshine which made all the paths appear sparkly and the gardens looked touched by watery diamonds.  Watery diamonds of another kind were imbibed after school at Bizim Tepe, and the day ended by having home made pizza at a colleague neighbour friend's house where the four of us were able to see the funny side and engage in the kind of story telling that amuses, soothes and satisfies the angry heart.   

The photo, btw, is the result of playing around with a photo blend app that I downloaded and amused me for a while.

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