Whisky Tasting

A calm day, some sunny spells, some mist in places, and the odd light shower. 

Up early, had breakfast, packed up the bags, cleaned the chalet and said goodbye to Aviemore.  Headed north to Inverness, and then nipped along to see cousin Linda again.  A long trip to Aberdeen, and slow traffic, but we made it to the ferry in time, and onwards home to Shetland.  Hopefully be a smoother sailing home, than it was coming south! 

After a cuppa and yarn at Linda's, we headed over to see her daughter Lauren at work.  She works in the Glen Ord distillery, and gave us a brief tour and also a taster. Some good whiskies, I even liked a peaty one, which is unusual for me.  Bought a few bottles to take home.  Cousin Lauren (Caithness) pooring us a dram at Glen Ord Distillery, Muir of Ord.  

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