Circles and Cubes

Here in Santa Cruz, it's warm enough to sit in the back yard to knit. Let's see, what were the highlights of the day? I'll go backwards: went early to bed with a continuing cough and sniffles; ate a wonderful dinner of broccoli rabe right from the garden mixed with garlic and dried tomatoes, also from the garden, served over pasta. Dessert was a bit of three sweets: dense chocolate cookies, cherry Basque cake, and persimmon rum cake. Earlier, we did some of that outdoor knitting (nothing like the brightness of daylight to see and count stitches), later, Soozaday and I walked into town looking for an excuse to shop around awhile, which is where I saw this yellow car, the second oldest car of the day. The oldest was a VW van at the Westside Farmers Market where we went after breakfast. Before breakfast, I had a nice walk with Mister S through the neighborhood hillside with views of the Bay. Along the way, I slipped on some wet leaves and landed on my butt, but seem to have survived unscathed. 

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