
.....well you do learn something new everyday it seems. Hands up who knew that ament means catkin?!

A fairly bright morning, but by the time we were up and out it had clouded over....again!
Still a walk was a must, so off we tootled, through the wooded area, then a slightly longer cirucitous route to you know where, for a you know what ;-)) Well its our Sunday ritual don't you know.

As you can see from my blip some of the catkins are fully developed and looking very pretty, promises of Springtime, not too far away, thank goodness. I noticed late afternoon that it was still surprisingly light at 4.30pm ....another good sign.

Last of the bed linen changed, laundered & dried this afternoon. A big pan of vegetable soup made and the other half of a savoy cabbage blanched, ready for sautéing later for dinner.

Trying hard to get back on SW plan fully, proving a little difficult after all the excesses, but getting there.

Days walking not bad at just over three miles, but could do better!

Day 5 = 3.25 miles
Year = 20.00 miles

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