Fork no handle?

Or four candles?

I was intrigued by the Blip selected thumbnail when this came out looking like a fork!  I was going to pretend my interpretative text had taken over and called this Blip Fork Handles until I saw the thumbnail.  You will have to use your imagination here - pretend you are looking at one of those optical illusions where you can see two different things depending on which part of your brain is in charge   - you know, like is it a woman or is it a vase type thing.

Of course the deeper meaning of all this will be lost on those of you who have never seen the Two Ronnies Sketch regarding candles and forks...  Apologies to those of you who are thinking that I have finally gone stark raving mad...

Things on the photography front were a bit lacking today so I decided to have a little play with candlelight and slow shutter speed with ICM.  Does that sound like I know what I am doing?  I like to try to delude myself sometimes...  A bit like a personal optical illusion but using the whole brain instead.  I wonder what that would be called?

And, of course, this is blip 2500!  What better day to show those of you who do not know the slightly wackier side of me that things are not always  what they seem and inside every Blipper is a wacky creative wonderful person waiting to be exposed!!!!!!

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