A Lenticular story.

Thats what The Boss thought when he spotted this across the harbour as he started out on his stagger with ME this morning. It was a beaut day with buckets of sun and Mt Vic awaited. It ended up as “Try a different coffee shop” day too and they did and it was...and there was a great looking Tish and Fips joint next door that will get a visit some time ‘Cos The Boss believes in “Healthy” living and read somewhere that fish is good for you.
He also got a haircut too as if he hadn’t it might not have been good for him.....Well not as good as fish anyway.....
Yesterday we went over 400kms in the Bat Mobile (eGolf) and learnt of an amazing additional feature of E Cars. They automatically create additional Coffee consumption as you find coffee joints in small towns with chargers across the road with free parking....Confused?  Well often parking can be tricky in places so you simply pop your Bat Mobile in a charge place and go have coffee. It will happily get erg’d up ( YES erg is a word) while you get re erg’d with caffeine and then you return and go and your credit card only gets hit for the ergs consumed ( a bit like the coffee OK...). You don't actually have to stay there until topped completely as there are MORE coffee shops with similar parking arrangements down the road. There is NO one time fee charged. AND like the fish mentioned above Coffee is also good for you. (So he read somewhere)
Tiny Pawscript.....The Boss actually prefers his caffeine cold with Bubbles but the principal is the same....I think?

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