You wear it well.

Man & boy ( see extra photo) It's J's 70th Birthday today, so we went out for lunch to the Plough & Harrow in Broughton, Monknash. It's not a fancy pub by any stretch of imagination but the food is reasonably priced and very good. J had steak & ale pie, and I had faggot's  peas & mash. J said it was the best steak & ale pie he has ever tasted and he just about managed to finish it. We sat  by the log fire, and were too full to move afterwards. When we came out it was raining heavily, and we drove home around the coast road. I was hoping to get a blip but the weather put paid to that. I got up about 4.30am, to  put up some Birthday banners in the kitchen and living room. I was hoping J wouldn't wake up, but he was still snoring when I got back into bed, so mission accomplished. Not sure if we can eat any more today, but it's still early so you never know.

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