Shopping Mall

Shopping Mall architecture is same in most countries!
A quick visit this afternoon to a computer shop or 3 ! Cousin’s MacBook had a problem, it wouldn’t switch on even although fully charged, eventually found an Apple man .....
wait for it ........he switched it on & came alive ! He checked all apps were opening & deemed it fully operational! ........we felt like a pair of eejits!
Anyways he was a very nice young man who was very kind :)

This morning i had a visit to hairdresser, as last year, she cuts my hair so well! Wish it would last a year!! :)

Rain tonight, and load shedding has returned! 2 hours per day, most days! Tomorrow it’s early evening......we will have an early dinner! Difficult for businesses & households!

Extra is a flame lily, cousin was brought up in Zimbabwe when it was a British colony Rhodesia, she always loves seeing these beautiful flowers as it grew in abundance , there it’s the national flower of Zimbabwe

A very good day!

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