R.I.P. Vilperi 26.5.2006 - 6.1.2020

Late last night, our oldest cat Vilperi left us after 13 years and 7 months of age. His life had a very dramatic start, when the house he was born was accidentally burned down and all little kitties with a mother were found in the outhouse afterwards. The whole brood was rescued to the local animal protection home and from there he moved to us. Maybe due of that experience he has been very stubborn and stand-alone personality. He stand for other cats, but never got very close with anyone (we have had two other cats living with him). He did not trust many people either. Except our family and an old couple living next door.

The first image on the left was captured 20.8.2006 when he moved to our home. Image second down left was captured 29.6.2008 when we were having a holiday in a tiny island at Lake Saimaa. There he was able to have quality time in total freedom. Up right image was captured 7.10.2010 at our backyard birch. The last image was captured 20.12.2019. Vilperi always liked to be outdoors till the end. He was also very healthy cat and never needed any veterinarian cure (if not counted vaccinations), so he had a good life thought. Here are some tagged blips of him.

Now when there aren't any cats in the house it feels a bit strange in the morning, when there aren't anyone meowing for food or outdoors. I think it will take some time to get used to this situation.

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