Let There Be Light

By solli

The Disappearing

Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree

There are two doves perched on the branches of my neighbor's sycamore tree. I am fully convinced that no one pays any attention to the trees except me.

Two days ago, the town marked eight old growth large canopied trees on my section of the street with big white X's. They are scheduled to be removed within a few weeks so the town can move forward with their curbstone replacement. No matter that the slate curbstone is perfectly fine, at a respectable height that keeps storm water away from the roots of the trees. I have two old growth trees in front of my home and mercifully, there's no X on my sycamore. The towering oak is marked. All the trees withstood Hurricane Sandy, but the town has plans to remove every tree for blocks.

My battlelines are drawn and the fight has begun. The town's on-line forum is a good place to debate; the council members peruse it. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the language of politics, I don't feel the need to go into it except to say that no decision has been made, there are needs to be balanced, we will consult with the opinion of a professional. The professional arrived today in a Ford F250 pickup with his chrome SAW decal emblazoned on his grill. Yeah baby.

Professional got out with his pad and a pencil, took a few steps near the tree, looked up to guestimate the height, observed the dripline and wrote himself a note. Performance was repeated eight times.

Here's the beginning of the tree slaughter story.

My apologies for the tone, you have to live here to see what goes on. If it turns out that the powers that be take into consideration my suggestion to bypass this section of the street, thereby leaving the trees undisturbed, I promise to delete this blip. Does that sound like a deal with God?

A year ago today I was visiting Ellis Island. You can see it by clicking on the small picture under the calendar. It was a far better day....

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